Crenshaw/LAX Transit Corridor Major Investment Study
Los Angeles, CA

As residents and leaders in the Crenshaw/LAX Transit Corridor, RAW’s principals provided a first-hand vision of the redevelopment potential of this 11-mile urban swath along Crenshaw Boulevard from Wilshire Boulevard to the north, terminating at the Green Line on the south end. Leveraging transit investment as a catalyst for economic development has set a precedent for transit studies. RAW’s visionary concepts for the intersection of Crenshaw and Martin Luther King played a key role in securing over two million dollars in funding for façade improvements at that location.
Focusing development around the Metro stations, which brings forth thousands of departing and arriving transit users every day, RAW’s plan will revitalize major intersections as “sustainable community support centers”. These transit-oriented development hubs would accommodate residential, commercial, recreational, educational and religious facilities and infrastructure, along with streetscape improvements, lighting, accessibility, and bus shelters to enhance the pedestrian experience, attract jobs, and promote community safety, security, and wellness.
RAW led the extensive public outreach efforts to engage elected officials and articulate this vision to the diverse community and build consensus among agency stakeholders. During interactive meetings, they presented alternative concept designs that addressed site constraints, historic and cultural issues, zoning requirements, transit feasibility, and market potential while reconciling Metro’s requirements and community desires with user-friendly graphics that communicated tangible improvements along the string of neighborhoods.
Client: Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transit Authority (Metro)
Services/Scope: Master Planning, Major Investment Study in association with Korve Engineering